Saturday, April 18, 2009

Natural Cures to Acne

If you suffer from acne, you have my sympathy. I was plagued by this condition all through high school and well into my college years. In fact, my parents actually paid for me to have X-ray treatments that were supposed to clear up my pimples.

Natural cures to the rescue

What I learned over the years is that I could have saved my parents a lot of money and myself a lot of embarrassment simply by trying some natural cures to acne. Here are some I discovered that might help you acne cure relief from this nasty condition.

Acne vitamin therapy

Two vitamins have been used successfully to treat acne. They are niacin and vitamin A. Vitamin therapy with niacin consists of taking 100 mg of the niacin three times daily, along with 50,000 acne treatments of vitamin A -- also three times daily. You should also take 400 mg of vitamin E daily. This therapy should be continued for a month.

Zinc treatment

In some cases, consuming zinc has shown some very dramatic results. It should be taken three times daily in doses of 50 mg. Zinc is available in acne treatments capsule and tablet form. In capsule form pimples is usually found under the name Zinfet. In tablet form, zinc can often be found under the name Ulseal. Zinfet is normally available acne treatments 200 mg capsules and Ulseal in 220 mg doses. You should take one fourth of the powder inside the zinc capsule as a single dose. In the case of Zinfet, take a quarter of a tablet. Whichever form you choose, take the zinc daily for up to one month or until there is noticeable improvement. Then you can reduce the dosage to 25 mg.

Garlic? Well, it's up to you

Garlic has been known to cure even very tough acne problems. The way you use it is to rub the acne with raw garlic several times a day. This helps clear the skin of spots, pimples and boils. For even more help, eat three seeds of raw garlic once daily for a month. I agree that rubbing raw garlic on your face may be almost as bad as the acne itself -- but it might be worth a try.

Orange peels? Yes, orange peels

Another effective homemade acne treatment is to take the peel of an orange, pound it on a piece of stone, add it to water and then apply it to acne-affected areas.

Coriander and mint juice

Some people have found relief from acne by mixing a teaspoon of coriander juice with a pinch of tumeric power and then applying this mixture to the face. You should do this every night after thoroughly washing your face. You can substitute mint juice for coriander juice and you may get the same results.

Other possibilities

Three other natural cures to acne that include applying lemon juice regularly to reduce pimples and acne; applying grated cucumber to the face, eyes and neck for 15 to 20 minutes; and fenugreek.

To use fenugreek, make a paste of its leaves and apply it over your face every night before going to bed. Be sure to wash off the paste with warm water in the morning.

While I can't guarantee that any of these natural cures to acne will help you, I can guarantee this: They're easier and a lot cheaper than X-ray treatments.

Other natural supplements and cures

Have you considered other natural cures and remedies? I've done a lot of research into the subject and found there are numerous natural cures that can be used to treat a wide variety of illnesses. For example, there is one herb you can grow yourself in your backyard or in a pot on your patio or balcony. And it can do some really surprising things. To learn what this herb is and about some other helpful, natural cures and remedies, go to

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